College Savings

With prices skyrocketing, it is no wonder why most parents are very worried about how they will support their children’s college education.

The projected current national average 4-year tuition and fee for a public in-state university is $39,400.  In 18 years assuming 5% inflation, that same education will cost $94,800.

With housing, meals, books, supplies, trans. and other misc. expenses included, the total projected cost jumps to over $350,000.

Don’t lose another night of sleep over how you will support their children’s college expenses.  You can afford it if you save early and save in the right vehicle.

Today, more parents are realizing that they can leverage the same dollars they use to fund a cash value life insurance for their children’s college as well as retirement and other life dreams.

One of our specialty is structuring certain life insurance vehicles to not only protect your family with a death benefit but also provide generous living benefits that allows you to save for your future and children’s future.

Our Smart and Holistic savings program can offer:

  • Good growth potential
  • Guaranteed safety
  • Generous tax benefits

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To help get you there, we are offering a FREE of charge Financial Checkup and Consultation.

No pressure or obligation.  Just honest and friendly listening and advice.